Libido is one’s sex drive or sexual appetite, referring to the desire to have sex. These spells are intended to increase your and/or your lover’s libido.
Do you personally need a little boost in the passion department? Or perhaps it's your relationship that needs to have its sexual fires rekindled? This Caviar Aphrodisiac Spells is a very simple yet very effective aphrodisiac that can help your…
Sexual relationships go through cycles during which passion waxes and wanes. If passion between you and your partner has been waning, try this very easy Red Peppercorn Passion Spell to literally spice things up. This spell calls for red peppercorns…
If you haven't been feeling as interested in sex as you typically are, this bath will help you regain both your sensuality and libido. Red roses and the colour red are powerful tools in sexual magick. Spell Tips: Ideally,…
Peppermint is known for increasing both libido and sexual endurance. Drinking a cup of fresh peppermint tea before a night of romance will help you with this. If you also want to increase your chances of conception, add some honey…