Comments, questions, or suggestions? Get in touch as I’d love to hear from you!
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Please do not email me with requests to work a spell for you. I do not work magick on behalf of others, not even for a fee. Instead, please look through my spells by Focus & Intention to find one that may help you. Then, if you have any questions about working any of these spells or magick in general, contact me and I will be happy to help you.
If you are contacting me for information for a blog post, magazine article, novel, or any other type of publication, you must specify this in your message to me. Afterward, any information I provide you must be clearly and properly attributed to me, Nyx and, in your post, article, credits, footnotes, acknowledgments, etc.
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Please note: Unsolicited requests for or offers of guest articles, backlinks, SEO, affiliations, etc. will not be answered.
Brightest blessings,

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