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About GreenWitch

About GreenWitch

While there are many websites dedicated to eco-friendly green living in general, GreenWitch is a resource specifically for contemporary green witches, especially those who are solitaries, as most green Pagans tend to be. It is an online green witchery course, spell-book, and information source that is mobile-friendly, so it’s easy to access anytime, anywhere.

Research & Personal SpiritualityGreenWitch is the result of years of extensive research in addition to personal spirituality. It provides useful information about green witchery, magick, nature’s cycles, tools and ingredients, and many other Paganism topics. There is also a collection of effective spells and rituals for a variety of magickal focuses and intentions, as well as information on how to improve your magickal results.  GreenWitch is continually being updated with more information and spells added regularly. As such, there’s something here for all green witches, whether you’re just starting to discover green Paganism or you’re already a practitioner.

As life today can be quite hectic and complicated, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Fortunately, most of the spells, rituals, and other spiritual practices at GreenWitch – including those for sabbats – are not overly elaborate or time-consuming. This allows even the busiest of green witches to find time for their spirituality. Green Paganism truly doesn’t need to be complex to be genuine and helpful.

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has made all of our lives much more difficult in ways most of us couldn’t even begin to imagine before 2020. Fortunately, green witches can find a lot of comfort and solace in our nature-based Pagan spirituality. It can give us peace of mind and can reduce anxiety about what the future holds. As such, this spiritual connection is more important now than ever before.

Magick  If you’re new to green witchcraft or simply considering it, Green Witchery is the best place to start.

  If you’re already a witch and here for the magick, check out our Spells & Rituals.

  If you’re having a bit of trouble with your magickal results, Magick 101 can help you pinpoint what is going wrong.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you!

For more in-depth reading on any of the topics covered on GreenWitch, please refer to my Bibliography. is a proudly Canadian site.

About Nyx

Hello and welcome! I’m Nyx and I am the green witch of GreenWitch.

I originally became interested in Paganism and witchcraft many years ago, largely due to teenage rebellion. I was simply trying to find my own path through life. However, once I realized that Paganism truly made sense on many levels, I continued to practice it based solely on its own merits.

Over the years, I’ve learned so much from reading many, many books on Paganism, witchcraft, metaphysics and even other religions, as well as from other witches from several traditions.

In addition, I minored in religious studies while I completed my university degree. The courses I took spoke mainly to historical paganism and witchcraft, but also addressed contemporary Paganism in some way.

Lastly, I’ve gained a lot knowledge through my own personal experiences – by trial, error, and success. And, of course, I’m always continuing to learn.

So, as a result, my path evolved to solitary, eclectic green witchery which I’ve been living for over 3 decades. GreenWitch is one of the many positive outcomes of that ongoing journey.

Image: Ida Rentoul Outhwaite · The Little Witch,” Elves & Fairies, 1st edition, p. 75 · Lothian, 1916 · PD

Photos: Sofia Iivarinen · Pixabay · license / Vera Petruk · iStock

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