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If you are a business owner or manager, these spells can help attract more clients or customers, increase sales, and otherwise make your business run more smoothly.

Barley Business Prosperity Spell

If you're opening a new business or if your established company is experiencing a financial lull, barley grains can help you find new opportunities and attract paying clients, as barley is known to increase prosperity. This spell should be performed…

Basil Money Bath

Also known as Witch's Herb, basil can be very effective in a variety of spells, especially those worked to draw money. This magick bath spell, which uses Basil Water, can help you attract money for yourself personally or for your…

Flax Seed Business Prosperity Spell

Flax seed, also called linseed, is a potent ingredient in prosperity magick, including spells crafted for business prosperity. If you are a business owner who needs to increase your business's cash flow, this spell will help whether it's in the…

Purple Candle Business Attraction Spell

If your business hasn't been as busy as you need it to be, this spell could help attract new clients or customers, increasing your business's success. It calls for a purple candle and allspice essential oil, both of which are…

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