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  These are spells intended specifically for the benefit of pets and other domestic animals.

  These spells should not be used to take the place of advice from a veterinarian or any other animal healthcare professionals nor to delay the seeking or utilization of such health, medical and professional advice.

Crossroads Lost Pet Spell

When a pet is lost, it can be gut-wrenching until she is returned to you. This Crossroads Lost Pet Spell can help your pet return to you. If your pet has been injured or killed, this spell may also help…

Pet Healing Spell

Your pet is a cherished family member and sometimes even your familiar. When your pet is hurt or sick, you may feel helpless to do anything. This simple Pet Healing Spell can help your pet feel better, faster. It calls…

Pet Protection Spell

You may know the old adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is certainly true when it comes to your pet, who is a valued family member and perhaps even your familiar. This simple Pet…

Release Pet’s Spirit Ritual

Your pet is a valued family member and may even be your familiar. As such, it can be utterly devastating when your beloved pet passes away. Your pet will be as sad to leave you as your are to have…

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