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...the magick starts here...

Also called blooms or blossoms, flowers carry the reproductive organs of many plants, from the tiniest aquatic plants to large trees. Individual blooms come in all sizes, such as tiny Elfin Thyme flowers which measure only 4mm (just over 1/8″) to Corpse Flowers which can grow to a metre (3.3′) or more in width. The size of the flower, however, is not always indicative of the size of its plant.

Flowers have a symbiotic relationship with pollinators such as some bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. They provide nourishment for these pollinators who in turn fertilize the flowers which leads to them producing fruit, nuts, and seeds that result in plant reproduction.

Flowers hold the energy of creation so they are among the most potent magickal ingredients and tools available to a green witch. Blossoms may be used in many different ways including:

  • As a spell in itself.
  • As an ingredient or tool for a spell or a ritual.
  • To create an ingredient for spellwork, such as rose water.
  • As an ingredient in recipe magick, in the case of edible flowers.
  • As a colour in your spellwork, provided both the properties of the flower itself and its colour corresponds with your magickal intention.
  • As an offering to Goddess, God, or other deities and mystical beings.
  • To represent the earth element on your altar, in the case of potted flowers.
  • To decorate your altar for a sabbat or a season.

It is always best to use organic flowers whenever possible. They may purchased from a florist or a nursery but some can be grown as houseplants or in gardens depending on your climate, as well.

If you grow your own flowers, you can easily harvest them when they are at their peak and dry them for future use, storing them in a cool, dry place. If you purchase flowers in a bunch but don’t use all of them in a spell, you can preserve them in the same way, as well.

If a spell calls for a certain flower but you are not able to obtain it, you could substitute a candle for the flower’s colour dressed with the essential oil of the flower, if one is available.

The below flowers are by no means an exhaustive list of those used in magick. Rather, these are some that may grown, harvested in the wild, and/or are typically available for purchase in Canada.

AFRICAN VIOLET: Goddess offering; home protection; spiritual healing & protection; spirituality.

ANEMONE:  Anxiety; beginnings; calming; emotional healing; emotional protection; grief; harmony; soothing.

APPLE BLOSSOM: Friendship; healing; platonic love; true love.

ASTER: Beginnings; calming; clairvoyance; cleansing; clearing; fidelity; happiness; honesty; loyalty; memories; new beginnings; patience; peace; precognition; protection; psychic abilities; truthfulness.

AZALEA: Afterlife transitioning; happiness; knowledge; meditation; spirit communication.

BABY’S BREATH: Familial love; happiness; maternal love; peace; peacefulness; purity; unity.

BIRD OF PARADISE: Clairvoyance; faithfulness; fidelity; insight; inspiration; intuition; loyalty; perspective; psychic abilities; self-awareness; spiritual protection.

BLACK-EYED SUSAN: Afterlife transitioning; balance; cleansing; clearing; dispelling; grounding; protection; spirit communication. 

BUTTERCUP: Friendship; happiness; healing; humility; platonic love.

CALENDULA / POT MARIGOLD: Bereavement; cleansing; clearing; depression; despair; dispelling; grief; hopelessness; loss; sadness; sorrow.

CALLA LILY: Afterlife transitioning; beauty; bereavement; dream recollection; glamour magick; Goddess & God offering; grief; loss; peace; peace of mind; peaceful sleep; peacefulness; sorrow.

CAMELLIA: Admiration; confidence; friendship; glamour magick; Goddess invocation & offering; introversion; kindness; reason; platonic love; self-confidence; self-esteem; shyness.

CARNATION: Anxiety; balance; banishing; depression; devotion; disdain; dispelling negative energies; dispelling malevolent spirits; emotional healing; emotional strength; heartbreak; hex breaking; inner beauty; longevity; love; optimism; protection; repelling; stability.

CHAMOMILE: Animal magick; anxiety; calming; children spells; curse breaking; divination; emotional protection; happiness; healing; health; hex breaking; lucid dreaming; magick repelling; meditation; nightmare prevention; peace of mind; peacefulness; psychic protection; relaxation; soothing; sound sleep; spiritual clarity; stress relief.

CHRYSANTHEMUM: Afterlife transitioning; anger; bad mood improvement; bad temper calming; bereavement;  grief; interpersonal communication; loss of loved one; malevolent spirit protection; Mabon magick; negative energy dispelling & protection; negativity; sorrow; spirit communication.

CLOVER: Abundance; balance; good luck; grounding; harmony; hex breaking & protection; hope; Goddess and God trinity representation; money; prosperity; protection; success; wishes.

CONEFLOWER / ECHINACEA : Deity offering; health; longevity; physical healing & strength.

CROCUS: Beginnings; clairvoyance; faithfulness; new beginnings; new friendships; new love; prophetic dreams.

CROWN OF THORNS: Bereavement; empathy; emotional healing; grief; loss of loved one; sorrow.

DAFFODIL: Abundance; afterlife transitioning; positive spirit attraction; fertility; good luck; love attraction; spirit communication; unrequited love.

DAHLIA: Dignity; dream recollection; lucid dreaming; past-life recollection; prophetic dreams; spirituality.

DAISY: Attraction; beauty; children spells; consecration; divination; dream interpretation; faith; friendship; honesty; innocent love; loyalty; new friends; platonic love; purity; truth; youth.

DANDELION: Animal magick; astral projection & travel; clairvoyance; clarity; clearing; cleansing; divination; dream recollection & interpretation; healing; prophecy; psychic ability; psychic healing; psychic protection; psychic strength; purification; spirit communication; spirituality.

EASTER LILY: Beginnings; birth; blessing; consecration; fertility; grief; harmony; honesty; hope; new beginnings; purification; purity; rebirth; sorrow; truth.

EVENING PRIMROSE: Balance; beginning; blessing; child protection; consecration; desirability; healing; peace; protection; purity; self-esteem; spirituality.

GARDENIA: Attention attraction; comfort; compassion; devotion; friendship; full moon magick; happiness; harmony; heartbreak; influence; peace; peacefulness; psychic awareness; romantic love; secret love.

GERANIUM: Affirmation magick; banishing; blessing; consecration; concentration; dispelling; emotional protection, stability & strength; focus; Goddess invocation & offering; grief; happiness; harmony; heartbreak; honesty; protection; purification; relationship decision-making; self-confidence; self-esteem; sorrow; truth; wisdom.

HEATHER: Adaptability; calming; clarity; emotional & spiritual growth & healing; good luck; knowledge; memory; optimism; passion cooling; peace of mind; protection; purification; self-awareness; self-confidence; trust.

HIBISCUS: Love potions; libido; lucid dreaming; lust; passion; passionate love; sex; sexual love;.

HONEYSUCKLE: Anxiety; beginnings; business ideas; calming; communications; creativity; endings; inspiration; intuition; money; new beginnings; peace of mind; prosperity; releasing magick; stress.

HYACINTH: Affection; anger; anxiety; calming; charisma; emotional stability & well-being; emotions; fear; grief; happiness; heartbreak; homosexual love; influence; joyfulness; jealousy; nightmare prevention; sadness; soothing; sorrow.

HYDRANGEA: Banishing; binding; boundaries; cleansing; clearing; curse & hex breaking; friendship; Goddess & God offering; home protection; moon magick; psychic shielding; protection; purification.

IMPATIENS: Anxiety; calming; children spells; distraction; family; fear; focus; grounding; maternal love; soothing; stress.

IRIS: Acceptance; anger & fear calming; balance; blessing; clarity; concentration; creativity; determination; Goddess & God communication; faith; focus; grounding; hope; inspiration; patience; protection; purification; willpower; wisdom.

JASMINE: Abundance; anxiety; astral projection and travel; clairvoyant dreams; decision-making; happiness; joyfulness;  love; lucid dreaming; lust; meditation; money; passion; pleasant dreams; psychic ability; prosperity; prosperous lover attraction; prosperous marriage; psychic abilities; purification; romantic love; seduction; sensuality; sexual love; spiritual awareness; wisdom.

LAVENDER: Anger; anxiety; balance; calming; cleansing; clearing; concentration; courage; depression; dispelling negative energies; emotional balance, healing & protection; fidelity; focus; friendship; grounding; happiness; harmony; heartbreak; joyfulness; insomnia; inspiration; lover attraction; loyalty; magickal ability; magickal power; mental clarity; nurturing; peace of mind; psychological healing; purification; romantic love; soothing; stress reduction; unrequited love; wisdom.

LILAC: Adaptability; astral projection & travel; balance; banishing; defensive magick; dispelling; grounding; harmony; hex breaking; honesty; new beginnings; peace; purification; protection; repelling magick; spiritual renewal; truth.

LILY: Abundance; angel magick; blessing; calming; consecration; endeavours; fertility; Goddess invocation; goodness; happiness; protection; purification; rebirth; renewal; spiritual cleansing, dedication & initiation.

LILY OF THE VALLEY: Blessing; calming; consecration; defensive magick; harmony; protection; reversal magick.

MAGNOLIA: Addiction; calming; faithfulness; fidelity; loyalty; marital harmony & honesty; marriage; meditation; nobility; obsession; peace of mind.

MARIGOLD: Afterlife transitioning; blessing; clairvoyance; comfort; consecration; divination; grief; healing; health; longevity; past-life recollection; prophecy; protection; psychic abilities; reincarnation; sorrow; spirituality.

NARCISSUS: Self-confidence; self-esteem; self-love; vanity. 

ORCHID: Beauty; charisma; competition; fertility; glamour magick; money; prosperity; romantic love; sexual attraction & love; success; wealth.

PEONY: Anger; banishing; child protection; cleansing; clearing; dispelling; healing; protection.

PETUNIA: Anxiety; calming; grounding; happiness; healing; joyfulness; protection; soothing; stress.

POINSETTIA: Balance; cleansing; clearing; depression; despair; dispelling; happiness; grief; grounding; joyfulness; meditation; purification; sorrow; Yule magick.

POPPY: Afterlife transitioning; astral projection & travel; dream recollection; lucid dreaming; soothing sleep; spirit communication.

PRIMROSE: Balance; beginnings; bereavement; blessing; consecration; despair; grief; grounding; harmony; heartbreak; hopefulness; peace of mind; peacefulness; sorrow.

RHODODENDRON: Balance; compassion; emotional & mental strength; forgiveness; God invocation & offering; grounding; peace; peace of mind; peacefulness; vulnerability.

ROSE [all colours]: Attraction; beginnings; compassion; courage; family magick; fertility; new beginnings; romantic healing; romantic love; romantic relationship problems; self-confidence; sensuality; true love attraction; wisdom.

ROSE [orange]: Affection; happiness; harmony; honesty; truth.

ROSE [pink]: Beauty; children spells; glamour magick; romantic love; self-esteem; self-love.

ROSE [purple]: Anxiety; calming; concentration; focus; God invocation & offering; grounding; patience; soothing; stress.

ROSE [red]: Aphrodisiacs; desire; libido; lust; passion; passionate love; physical attraction; power; romance; sex; sexual attraction; sexual love; sexuality; stamina; strength.

ROSE [white]: Bereavement; banishing; binding; blessing; clarity; cleansing; clearing; consecration; dedication; Goddess invocation & offering; grief; healing; heartbreak; loss; moon magick; protection; purification; sorrow; spirituality.

ROSE [yellow]: Friendship; jealousy; platonic love; psychic ability; self-esteem.

SNOWDROP: Adversity; friendship; grief; hope; sorrow.

SOLOMON’S SEAL: Banishing; blessing; calming; clarity; consecration; decision-making; good fortune; intuition; money; protection; prosperity; purification; soothing; success; wealth; wisdom.

SUNFLOWER: Fertility; faithfulness; fidelity; good luck; happiness; honesty; joyfulness; loyalty; prosperity; protection; reproductive health; truth; truthfulness; wisdom.

TULIP: Children spells; fertility; full moon magick; grounding; maternal love; pregnancy.

VIOLET (INCLUDING PANSY & VIOLA): Angel magick; anxiety; banishing; calming; creativity; dispelling; emotional healing & protection; endings; good luck; heartbreak; inspiration; love; peace; peace of mind; peacefulness; protection; soothing; stress; tranquility.

WISTERIA: Astral projection & travel; calming; clairvoyance; divination; dream recollection; grief; grounding; loss; lucid dreaming; meditation; psychic abilities; soothing; sorrow; spirit communication.


Photo: Drilnoth · Wikimedia · PD · adapted

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