If you've found a house or apartment you'd like to rent or buy as your home, someone…
Orange Candle Job Spell
It there is a position that you really want to be hired for, increase the likelihood of success with this candle spell. The colour orange and allspice are very effective in career magick. It can be effective both prior and after an interview has taken place.
Tools & Ingredients:
- a small orange candle
- a candle holder or fire-safe plate
- allspice essential oil
- carving tool
The Spell:
- Using the carving implement, carve the candle with your name and the job title as well as words that describe or tasks that apply to the position.
- Dress the candle with two or three drops of allspice essential oil.
- Place the candle in a candle-holder and light, allowing it to burn undisturbed until it self-extinguishes in about two to three hours.

IMPORTANT: Please do NOT leave burning candles unattended nor children unattended with burning candles.