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Jade Fertility Charm Spell

Jade Spiral PendantJade stones are known to be effective in fertility and conception magick. Crafting this easy Jade Fertility Charm Spell can help increase your fertility and as such, the probability that you’ll conceive.

  Spell Tips:

  • This spell must be performed mindfully and deliberately.
  • To be more effective, this spell should be performed during the full moon.
  • To be most effective, this spell should be worked during an Imbolc full moon.

  If you are infertile for whatever reason, this spell will not work. It can only increase the probability of conception, not correct infertility issues. Also, it should never be used to take the place of advice from a physician, midwife, or any other healthcare professionals nor to delay the seeking or utilization of such health and medical advice.

Jade Fertility Charm Spell

  Tools & Ingredients:

  • one small smooth jade stone or a jade pendant
  • a half-cup of non-iodized sea salt
  • a small glass bowl or other non-metallic bowl

  The Spell:

  1. Pour half of the sea salt in the bowl.
  2. Hold the jade in your cupped hands and, while picturing yourself holding a baby, say:

    My heart and mind are oh so ready
    for a child to come.
    My body is now strong and steady,
    so it can be done.
    As I will, so be it that I’ll hold
    a daughter or a son.

  3. Place the jade in the bowl and cover with the remaining salt.
  4. Leave the the bowl by the light of the full moon outside, if possible, or on your window ledge, overnight.
  5. Carry the charm in your pocket or tucked into your bra when you’re awake. At night, place it under your pillow. Repeat monthly until you conceive.

Learn more about Conception Spells & Fertility Spells.

Photo: spikee blue · Adobe Stock · license

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