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Beltane Grilled Asparagus

Grilled Asparagus is a perfect recipe spell for Beltane, which is the third and last annual Pagan fertility festival. It celebrates fertility, love, and reproduction. As such, it is a favourable time to time of year to craft aphrodisiacs and to perform spells to attract a new love or sexual partner, as well as those that can help increase fertility, conception chances, libido and passion.

Grilled Asparagus is a simple yet effective recipe spell that can increase fertility as well as passion and lust. In magick, asparagus is a phallic symbol. It’s magickal properties include fertility, lust, male libido/sexual stamina, and passion. This Grilled Asparagus spell also calls for olive oil, sea salt, and red peppercorn. Sea salt helps increase success, which is helpful in both fertility and aphrodisiac magick. As well, both fertility and success are among olive oil’s magickal properties. Lastly, red peppercorn is effective in libido, lust, passion, sexual confidence, and sexual desire spells.

If this recipe spell is being prepared as an aphrodisiac, use white asparagus and serve with Hollandaise Sauce.

Baking, cooking or otherwise preparing food for magickal purposes is recipe magick. This magick as no less potent than any other spellwork. As such, prepare this recipe mindfully, thinking of your magickal intentions  during each and every step.

  If you are infertile for whatever reason, this Grilled Asparagus spell will not work. It can only improve fertility and increase the probability of conception, not correct infertility issues. Also, it should never be used to take the place of advice from a physician, midwife, or any other healthcare professionals nor to delay the seeking or utilization of such health and medical advice.

Beltane Grilled Asparagus



  • 1 pound fresh asparagus
  • 1 tablespoon organic cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil
  • sea salt
  • fresh ground red peppercorn
  • Hollandaise Sauce (optional)


  1. Preheat your grill for 10-15 minutes. It needs to be very hot to properly grill your asparagus. Alternatively, you can use a grill pan on your stove, with the burner set to high.
  2. Wash and trim the asparagus, taking care to remove the woody ends. Save them for soup stock or compost.
  3. Pat the asparagus dry with a clean kitchen towel.
  4. Gently coat the asparagus with olive oil, using your hands.
  5. Season, to taste, with sea salt and freshly ground red peppercorns.
  6. Grill for 2-5 minutes, turning the asparagus often. They are done when they are fork-tender.
  7. Add more sea salt and ground red peppercorn if needed. Serve immediately.
  8. If prepared as an aphrodisiac, serve with Hollandaise Sauce to give it an extra magickal boost.

Makes 2 servings of Grilled Asparagus.

Photo: Innviertlerin · Pixabay · license

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