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Acorn Attract Money Spell

Acorns on Oak Tree BranchEveryone can use a little extra money from time to time. Crafting this easy Acorn Attract Money Spell can help you attract that extra money. This spell uses an acorn which has magickal properties that include prosperity and attracting money.

  Spell Tips:

  • This spell calls for a $5, $10 or $20 bill but if you do have a $20 bill, use it as its green colour will help enhance the spell because green is the colour of abundance, money, and prosperity.
  • This spell will be even more effective if worked during the waxing moon.

Acorn Attract Money Spell

  Tools & Ingredients:

  • one acorn
  • a $5, $10, or $20 bill

  The Spell:

  1. Wrap the acorn with the bill, folding the ends to wrap it tight.
  2. Carry it in your pocket, purse, or wallet to attract extra money.

Learn more about Money Spells.

Photo: Manfred Richter · Adobe Stock · license

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